Lam-Lam Sisterhood: Guardians of the SPIRIT

Thursday, June 30, 2005

couple more daves...

sorry about the delay all. melissa, your personal GPK!

katie, i hope "kate" is close enough. here's a triple shot:

brittany, you already saw this, but anyhoo:

danielle, i apologize...your kid is out there somewhere but i couldn't find it at the moment. i'll keep looking.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

you should see this place at night, i turn it into coloured papers, scissorcutting, glitter sprinkling, beads, treads, crazy highlighting, glue, pens and don’t forget the stapler mayhem…., study a road map, and other assorted written directions ... turn up the volume, hope that no one hears and blow bubbles in my milk .. marvelous times

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Don't Mess with Women Guys...

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Sisters, if you've ever been mad at your fella, take a tip from Hayley!

i just thought i would mention that tonight not only did i have a smoke and a chat outside with an alumni named dot from florida, but also the guys staying as hostel guests in lambton gave me a slice of vegetarian gino's pizza which i am eating currently.
also some people came in looking for YOU brendan.

Friday, June 24, 2005

excuse me, do you have a pencil?

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oh yeah baby, i'm back from appearing in various odd looking pictures on milk cartons, talk shows hosted by dr. phil, and stapled on walls at zellers next to other itinerant teens with obedience issues …but i knew that it was time to fire up the ol' keyboard earlier tonight when our own john liddle promenaded on over to lambton with cases of reg cards, keys and various stylish colorful slips of highly informative papers… that’s when john and i got to talking about the deployment of the un-mandated international security assistance force to afghanistan in january 2002…and as interesting as that was…i decided to, pay homage, you know like a tribute to : johnny…please note that this homage was highly encourage by the aforementioned mr. liddle…..(who ALSO was very strangely not at all fazed by the notion of this blog….who told him?)

so yeah, back on track, you see if you google (altavista, ask jeeves, whatever) ; ‘john liddle’ you might discover:

  • that there is some terribly talented trumpet playing john liddle, with very understanding parents living somewhere in the t-dot o-dot
  • that the NRA prefers that you clean your riffle at night rather than in the morning
  • there are tons of ‘other’ unimportant people called john liddle
  • and that our mr. liddle has accomplished various creative performances on both the silver screen and the slightly smaller and greyer tv screen

since all of these things are pretty fascinating to me, you off course may or may not already know all of this, i suspect most of you do, but after i got done keying the officiators, i figured what the hell i might as well post one of john commercials, this obvious flattery is off course just a guise for my hidden agenda of on day being so lucky as to play roxanne to his cyrano…

so let's recognize and celebrate peeps

do the deed

**(i have always wanted to use ‘peeps’ in a sentence)

liz ‘et al

Thursday, June 23, 2005

today's random theme is...

I lost my way
Washed out to sea
I'm lost at sea
Come back to me
Come back to me
Don't bother me radiohead so nicely put it

i'm quite interested in death… a kind of morbid way….that’s not really true, but for the fifth morning in a row i.. woke up in the middle of a scene from battle royale…everyone against everyone, it might sound amusing now, but it’s not, to much nonsense going on in my head I have no idea why this is happening because it has been years since i saw that movie, but after i wake up, i am afraid to sleep again, sort of useless i know, but i have not had nightmares this over and over again since olaf palme was murdered, and i saw the chalk outline in the street…and so yeah, BUT …..when i woke i had all these thoughts about life, death, religion….and then three major religions, one holy city…..couldn't they have just spread it out a bit? "you have aqaba, we'll have moscow, you can have dover…..and then about genghis khan….did you know genghis khan was the first leader to declare that all religions were equal? hey, he didn't care who you worshiped, he'd eat you anyway!...and if that wasn’t enough for the last 16 hours i have had the same six songs on my wmp list…..and that’s sort of scary…so yeah, …but i did have a rather fancy idea last night, what if there was a shuffle function on the dvd remote control… i mean it…except for the movies where it is obvious the point to mess up the scenes a little, think if one could do it to every movie???? i knows you will like it….so yeah, this night was tedious, besides the redemptions offered by the pizza, i walked to east three times to let some people in, not fun, the internet did not work neither did cp, and believe me i tried all of the computers here, so i felt so very, very alone…..and i was going to watch a movie but i could not keep my eyes open, nothing defies gravity, especially my eyes, and so i think the point was that i miss you all so much.....(i don't know why i posted this..liz)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

first person to fail 1000 times gets a prize......

i want to congratulate my neighbor(s) next door with two things:

  1. Congratulations on one HELL of a party!
  1. Congratulations for instantly taking over the number one spot on my hate list!
holy most boring shift ever.


someone come save me from all the boredom!

i would just like to thank whoever left this law of inertia music magazine featuring my husband dave grohl on the cover. i don't know who it was, but thanks! :D

Under Attack...

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jmart here and do I have a story for you. I don't know if you guys are aware, but yesterday was the last day of classes for highschools. Yay for them. Apparently, this gives the little bastards the right to shoot up a defenseless white neon that lives on Liverpool St. One that has never hurt anything in his poor neon life...except for that squirrel on Edinburgh...but that guy was suicidal. Yes sisters and brothers, it is true. I went out to my car yesterday and found my driver's side covered in blue paintball shots. Thanks GCVI kids. You rock. So I went to the principal's office (which btw made me feel like I was in trouble) and then got to talk to Guelph's finest. Neither really seemed too concerned, after all it was the last day of classes. Anyway, white neon is happy again and to help him recover from the trauma, I treated him to an oil change.

Peace out.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

back by popular demand...yet another staff member found in the garbage pail...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

An Eyefull A Day Keeps The Doctor Away


i would just like to let everyone know that currently, there is a empty box, for anyone, behind the desk right now.

it will be leaving at 4:30, when i am done work.


it's going to be a long day...

this twilight garden..........

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if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge the wrath of god ….or so it has been said, by…. someone very important ….…so yesterday was friday, i left santa cruz and drove to carmel, via monterey…i visited the monterey bay aquarium; and i finally bought a hat in the gift shop there that i have desired for a while now….
ok so maybe friday was nothing like that, but lucky me, i got to spend it here, and now saturday too, whohoo, but i decided to keep a running diary of this nights events……. This night in brief, if i can . . . i am not renowned for being brief .. .

6.30 PM: wake up
6.32 PM: ok i am dying, it is certain, my eyes are running and a frog has made my throat into a manger of some sort and plans to live there until he DIES of natural causes
7.30 PM: i should go to the chemist and get meds, i don’t, i drink hot milk, it SEEMS like the right thing to do, it’s not
8.00 PM: ahhhh the wedding singer is on ……i am a huge fan of ANYTHING that has don’t stop believing in it
11:34 PM: (still Friday) dave is ranting, it is a pretty funny rant so i humor him…..john stops by, says something, can’t remember what, but there where instructions to do something in there somewhere , dave cleaned the back room, it is uncomfortably clean in there
12.00 AM: dave leaves, silence, silence…ah yes, ….time to check blog…email…news, make coffee
12.15AM: ctrl + P = print
12.16 AM: i feel lonely and confined, i pretend to be lost in a canoe at sea, ……it doesn’t help
1:36 AM: it occurs to me how much fun it would be to have a golf cart here, cruising around lambton in a golf cart would be amazing, it is almost as if the hallways are saying, ‘elizabeth, feel free to cruise through the halls in a golf cart and break as many traffic laws with it as you can’…….instead i pick up ‘get behind me satan’….its aggressive title cloaks its mellowness…. and i forget my pipe dreams
2.45 AM: i make up a secret friend, his name is albert and is deathly afraid of people

***** good for you, you stopped reading****

3:24 AM: like a couple of crazy kids albert and i try to hack into the kreml , secretly i feel a little like matthew broderick in war games when he hacks in to whatever he had to hack in to

3:54 AM: the tv and the fpl couch sucks up a lot of my time…

5.48 AM: self reflection….exactly fifteen minutes of my time is spent thinking about being more serious and adult, as apposed to being stupid and immature, it passes , i’m glad
6.03 AM: albert sneaks ‘out’ and then sneaks ‘in’ because ‘out’ was not all that interesting
6.20 AM: i realized that my good old friend spellcheck does not even recognize its own name and underlines it in red ….HA! ( i feel superior for a good twenty seconds)
6.22 AM: i have nothing to be proud of
6.23 AM: i discover that melanie griffith has a website AND a blog and that she is waaaay more screwed up and crazy that we are……she is on a whole other level whacked …… but I should not say anything bad it might mess up up my chances of getting into the goddess club
6.25 AM: my iq drops, my head is spinning, ……i read people magazine, fatalities are likely
6:35 AM: albert has to leave so i’m faking sadness, his constant banter was starting to make it very hard to ignore him

7:22 AM: WAAAAAA!!!

8:00 AM: i’m out! i don’t really care about the rest of today, so i’m not going to go in to it…….mmm but...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

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just when you thought the keytar could not possibly get any better...
belinda shows us how it's done.

someone playing on an organ

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mmm, so yeah, where were we…? …yes, convocation, graduation, whichever…so yes, in addition from being a very hard word to spell convocation is a very long an exhausting course of action, never mind the countless hours and minutes, years it took to get to this horrible day, the process in it self is ridiculously tedious…and frankly a colossal misuse of time, there you go, it is NOT one of those moments that you will regret missing in life….no, no, nobody on their death bed will ever think, oh i am so distraught because i did not attend my convocation, buhu, final breath… why oh why did i go??? for the same reason you people ultimately will or have gone, ignorance…..yes, i knew it was going to be dull, so i brought a book…..ummm, so they make you leave all your things back at the gym, the worst…i kept my music thought, there was no way the grumpy lady with the capes and shall thingy’s was taking it so i stuff it inside my dress, it looked like i had a third breast, but OH WELL….THEN they make you line up….alphabetically and numerically, say hello to 237, freeking fantastic i wanted to claim a name change to aaron that second, fyi, i am not remotely friendly with anyone in the H section of the alphabet, eriksen was no where in sight, great going, so there we where, marching into the terribly hot sweltering dome, in nice rows, in my culture we don’t do lines or rows or organization for that matter, we leave that up to the germans, very uncomfortable for me you see, very out of my element, so there i was, dressed like a jester, tracy chapman telling me stories, stuck between the g’s and h’s , and there where bagpipes, god knows why, i have no idea what tune they where playing, but it sounded like someone was dragging a fog horn through places a fog horn should not be dragged, the speech capitalism yay, go, children, go, spread the word….and preferably charge people for the service….. every minute bringing us that much closer to death, speech done, get up go stand in another line, at this point there was no redeeming factor left, so i pretty much walked up to the e’s and stood around and talked to liv for the next hour, a, b, c, d, e…..lady checks my card, i get THE look and get sent back to h, bla, bla, bla, finally it is over and so here i am elizabeth haugen, with fabulousness…… there's no sense in being a fool about it people, it was dull, dull dull, lots of hand shaking… squeezy hand shakes...those crusher hand shakes... the big handshake kind...the compensation handshake... and there's a moral to this story...or at least there was suppose to be a moral...but since i'm was, in fact a marble…so yeah on that note, and dave is here now , later dudes

(oh and this was liz, just incase you did not know)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Poor Kitty...

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jmart...again. My friend found this kitten in the tree by her house. He/she needs a home. Does anybody want a kitty? Let me know!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

John J. Rambo is back...

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jmart here...In case you haven't heard the good news, Sly Stallone is back as John Rambo in Rambo IV. So clear your calendars sisters and righteous brothers...late 2006 belongs to America's Lone Soldier. And don't worry...he's not fighting terrorists.

  • Rambo IV: Deliverance Country

  • Friday, June 10, 2005

    new baby rat pictures

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    you have to admit they're cute now!

    Wednesday, June 08, 2005

    made me laugh...

    so i came across this and it made me laugh like a mo-fo, so i decided that it would be a good idea to put it here. cuz it made me laugh. a lot. so i'm putting it here. so there.

    that is all!

    ~ dave

    Who's On First for the Next Generation!

    George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?

    Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China.

    George: Great. Lay it on me.

    Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.

    George: That's what I want to know.

    Condi: That's what I'm telling you.

    George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?

    Condi: Yes.

    George: I mean the fellow's name.

    Condi: Hu.

    George: The guy in China.

    Condi: Hu.

    George: The new leader of China.

    Condi: Hu.

    George: The main man in China!

    Condi: Hu is leading China.

    George: Now whaddya' asking me for?

    Condi: I'm telling you, Hu is leading China.

    George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?

    Condi: That's the man's name.

    George: That's who's name?

    Condi: Yes.

    George: Will you, or will you not, tell me the name of the new leader of China?

    Condi: Yes, sir.

    George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he's dead in the Middle East.

    Condi: That's correct.

    George: Then who is in China?

    Condi: Yes, sir.

    George: Yassir is in China?

    Condi: No, sir.

    George: Then who is?

    Condi: Yes, sir.

    George: Yassir?

    Condi: No, sir.

    George: Look Condi. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone.

    Condi: Kofi?

    George: No, thanks.

    Condi: You want Kofi?

    George: No.

    Condi: You don't want Kofi.

    George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And then get me the U.N.

    Condi: Yes, sir.

    George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N.

    Condi: Kofi?

    George: Milk! Will you please make the call?

    Condi: And call who?

    George: Who is the guy at the U.N?

    Condi: Hu is the guy in China.

    George: Will you stay out of China?!

    Condi: Yes, sir.

    George: And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N.

    Condi: Kofi.

    George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone

    A gift in return Melissa...

    Some pics to go with the transcript below.

    Colbert deep throats a banana...

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    Colbert and Jon losing their shit...

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    Sometimes I don't know which one of them I love more. So I have multiple fake news/comedian boyfriends. Dang!
    jmart, this is for you, buddy!

    stephen colbert goes bananas, originally aired november 10, 2003.

    Jon Stewart:
    We turn to Daily Show Senior Correspondent, Stephen Colbert. He joins us live from London. Stephen, thank you for joining us.

    Stephen Colbert:
    Aloha, Jon.

    Stephen, this has become a huge story overnight, but no one seems to know that this allegation is all about. Have you been able to learn all the specifics?

    Yes I have, Jon.

    What are they?

    ’Fraid I can’t tell you that. See, I’m in Jolly Ol’ England, as you can tell by Big Ben behind me (looks behind him to the green screen) … sorry, the Houses of Parliament. And slander laws prevent me from saying anything, believe me, I wish I could. This is a story I could really wrap my hands around, I mean I’d love to grab this story by the hilt, and work this story long and hard, (making a ‘ball tickling’ motion with his hands) teasing you with a few details. Make you beg for the story to a huge climax, and explodes all over the front pages!! Phew! That would be great. But the press will not be discreet, Jon.

    Stephen, the press is just playing a coy game. The very language of your metaphor implies that it is a much more salacious story that in it truth could ever be. Why don’t you just come out and say that there is an allegation that the Price had a gay experience?

    Your words, not mine, Jon. (starts to unpeel a banana) But I’ll tell you this much, if it was substantiated, (inhales banana, while Jon laughs in the background) Just imagine! Jon, just imagine what that would do to the monarchy!

    What would that do to the monarchy?

    Probably nothing. The royal family is pretty much just a tourist trap at this point. Nevertheless, it would be a great story. It’s a story a reporter waits his entire career not to be able to report. If you would excuse me, I have been invited to grouse hunting party. It’s just a few dozen men and stable boys (starts to crack up) all of us in kilts, naturally. Taking a few yards of ale (?) and here’s the fun part, Jon! Whoever shoots the --- (cracks up) whoever shoots the … whoever shoots the fewest grouse has to go through the spanking machine!

    Stephen, I have to say that story (or what I’ve heard of it) all sounds pretty gay.

    Not gay, Jon. Aristocratic. It’s a different culture from ours.

    And what’s different about it? (the two start laughing again)

    Stephen: (gasping for breath)
    You know…mainly the … mainly how gay it is. Jon?

    Tuesday, June 07, 2005

    Holmes on Homes...

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    jmart anyone else totally addicted to this show on HGTV, or is it just me? Mike is my older, handyman boyfriend and he rocks. Now that I'm done being such a frickin sick fangirl, if you haven't seen this show, it's awesome. Mike goes around to fix mistakes made by crappy contractors and does an awesome job...and some of the crap he has to fix is so bad. I'll add a link to his web site...oh and it's all Toronto based, woo.

    Back to the grind (ha)!
    so its my inaugural post. let's all dance around!

    take this tongue in cheek, as thats how its supposed to be taken, but i would really like to send this tshirt to george bush. its hilarious.

    also, this tshirt makes me laugh.

    i think people should start signing these things, so that we know who's writing what! that would be fab.

    funny story from the weekend: i was on the bus, coming to campus (i had to work in the lab for a bit before i headed off to work at the desk) and i had my headphones on, per usual. im sitting on the bus, minding my own business, when creepy bus guy with wine breath (who was missing one front tooth and possibly had something wrong with his eyes) asked if he could listen to my headphones.

    i was stunned. and just said ".......why?"
    and he goes "i just want to know what you're listening to".
    so i told him: "esthero. its like, trip hop/r&b kinda music."
    and he goes "oh, cool! is that like, underground or can you buy it at hmv?"
    (apparently creepy bus guy with wine breath is a music conaisseur?)
    and i said ", you can buy it at hmv"
    and he goes "cool! so can i listen to your headphones?"

    "....uh, i don't think so."

    and i put them back on and turned around. VERY strange. even funnier (or sadder?) he had a new bottle of wine that he had obviously just purchased. weird weird saturday.

    and now, its time for me to read maclean's before i start doing chemistry.

    ~ melissa

    i think you’ve got a point....have another biscuit, sorry

    fighting against boredom alone is like fighting crime without superpowers and a really great costume, or that super squishy, squashy stuff that the turtles bade in, i really have nothing like that to be proud of at this moment…anyway i just wanted to share really, a trouble shared, is twice as many people worried…so that’s my plan…and there we go

    Monday, June 06, 2005

    for it had a lawnmower engine, it was made out of wood and string and it went underwater

    Ok so it is really, really ridiculously hot outside…..on my walk to work, i seriously considered doing the nestea plunge thingy, but despair, no such thing happened, and all the little horses at the ovc didn’t want carrots or anything really…and well there you go, and sorry, if you haven't seen ‘lords of dogtown’ yet, then this is all meaningless by now, ….but then, if you haven't seen it you probably haven't lived, so there, right now i am comfortably installed at jordan’s desk, anticipating that he will show up any second, tilt his head, give me a blunt stare and kick me out of here, angelique is studying for bio-chem or bio-med, bio something, on green sheets of paper with lots of inspiring colors, probably a tip she got from some sort of secret web site on how to make studying for biology fun, it looks like it is working….mmm, maybe not, and dianna is i think contemplating making her own garbage pail kid, there was something star struck in her eyes, when she looked up and exclaimed, ‘i just discovered garbage pail kids’, oh the youth, so impressionable i guess we should all warn them that someday, someday, when they are a little older they will be introduced to something that is enormously seductive but fickle, a fair-weather friend who seems benign but packs a lot of heat, and is extremely dangerous like savage garden songs on a sad, sad day, and the importance of the geneva convention, during family dinners, and how the gazelles despite their speed are the first to be eaten at the watering hole, but right now these two girls seem quite content with just relaxing in the cool air condition office….ok I am making myself disturbed, time to up my medication, oh and Jordan is here….

    cheerio kids

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    Sunday, June 05, 2005

    What the hell is wrong with people?

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    I don't even know what to say about this. Do people really go around molesting trees and shrubs? Seriously. God.

    Saturday, June 04, 2005

    society is against us

    So it has been a good week for bloging and we had some good laughs, cries, paper cuts and all in all a very fun time….Today the blog is one week old and over at east between the denturist check out and the MBA check in, blend in a little hostel and some internet problems for fun, Shannon and Elizabeth thought it would be fun to have some more polling going on, we want to know what you see the in the future for or know, like two weeks from now or something…

    What do you think is in store for the future of the Lam-Lam sisterhood?


    Free polls from

    quote of the day

    on replacing the rez keys with swipey cards:

    "Yeah, but the keys have a little bit of soul, Shannon."


    she wants me to note though that I agreed


    Political Speech
    Baby Kissers
    Ladies and gentleman, on this rabid occasion it is such a privilege to address such a barmy-looking group of lamlamsisters. I can tell from your smiling armpit that you will support my primo program in the coming election. I promise that, if elected, there will be a booby hatch in every east desk and two brothers in every garage. I want to warn you against my schmaltzy opponent, Mr. Elizabeth. This man is nothing but a icky Shannon . He has a discombobulated character and is working dipsomaniac in glove with the criminal element. If elected, I promise to eliminate denturists . I will keep the hostels off the city's streets. I will keep crooks from dipping their explosives in the public till. I promise you foul government, god-awful taxes, and wanton schools.

    Friday, June 03, 2005

    Hello Jerry...

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    Good morning fellow sisters and righteous brothers! I told a few of you that I was going to see Jerry Seinfeld in Hamilton last night and that I'd let you know how it was. I suppose right off the bat though I should let poor Brendan know that yes, we took the mini disc recorder, but my dad didn't check the batteries and well, I'm sorry brother, but they were almost dead. So forgive me. Now I suppose, I could have brought my cell phone and called you at Lambton to let you listen to the ENTIRE show like the guy behind me seriously...he had his phone out and kept asking his friend if he could hear the show. So I am sorry for not thinking of that. Some more of my fellow audience members in my area:

    -the two guys in their early 20s (right beside me) who smelled like that alluring mixture of Axe body spray and beer. HOTT!

    -the snorter behind me

    -the three people right in front of me with their digital cameras who kept taking pictures and kept getting busted but were too far in for the security guard to do anything but shine a flashlight on their faces and shake his head, "uh uh...not cool!"

    So it was an interesting experience and sitting alone around these clowns made the night even funnier and actually didn't piss me off too much.

    Anyway, it was a kick ass show as you might imagine (unless you're one of those folks who hates Seinfeld) and it was non stop laughs for an hour. It's really hard to do it justice on the blog though, so if you want in depth material from the show, I'll tell you, but probably have the crappiest delivery, cuz hey, my name's jmart, not Jerry.

    Peace out.

    Thursday, June 02, 2005

    steve, i swore these pictures wouldn't be posted if you could take the suns to the finals this year. alas, it was not to be. you still got mad skills and righteous court vision. maybe you can be mvp again next year. thanks for the memories. at least you made it farther than dirk.

    Wednesday, June 01, 2005

    well, she uses funny syntax, so i must be careful...

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    Hello? this is elizabeth calling, uh mm, i think it is wednesday the first, ( clears throat) and i am slightly scared that i am addicted to chapters, nail polish fumes and trying to understand awfully advanced html codes, and there is a reason for my angst you see….because there are funny things that happened when you are bored and happen to sleep trough whole days of excitement, ..i am trying to find my inner senior citizens alarm clock but nooo, not today….

    so yeah, you see once upon a time there was this neat, slightly confused little girl, ok it’s me, the stories remain the same, but yeah, i have no idea why this is happening BUT, when i try to add new links to our links section it wont let me do it…well that’s not 100% accurate, it will let me add the link, but it sort of omits the cute little arrow next to the link, and on average i would not mind, but i sort of want it there…(take a look at the movie links you will see what i mean) …so if someone would be so kind as to either fix it that would be good …mmm,....yes

    Boom, boom, boom. I'm grand! I live forever!

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    Mmm, so yeah, i had a day of today…witch i totally wasted by sleeping in, until about oh 2pm, but it was oh so good and i was totally excited, when maya (the puppy) finally decided that it was morning and consequently jumped on me to declared that fact….good times, so i just sat around for most of the day, enjoying the fact that i was not needed to be anywhere, nowhere…so good, BUT, then i started to miss you guys…so i had to check the blog…and then i HAD to start writing stuff so here we are now…and i was going to attempt to count all the stars out side my window all the ones in the galaxy, the milky way, a hundred billion stars, turns out i wouldn't COUNT up to a hundred billion, so i am back here with you guys, i don’t know really what to say i know that i wanted to say something but i sort of forgot, or realized how little i have to say maybe when i am back to the world lam lam sisterhood, but oh well here it goes, don’t do horrible things brothers and sisters, always treat your parents like someone that spent an reluctantly long amount of time with you, always treat your neighbor like someone who lives near you, never , never put pants in a blender and never suck the milk out of the bag, and never put bananas in a suitcase and never do yoga on christmas day and there are lots of other things too, but i have to go rent a prom date …so mmmm, so yeah i guess armageddon is australian for "i'm a gettin' outta here."

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    How to make a Lam Lam Sisterhood
    5 parts anger
    1 part silliness
    3 parts energy
    Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add wisdom to taste! Do not overindulge!


    Personality cocktail