Lam-Lam Sisterhood: Guardians of the SPIRIT

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Tropical Nightmare...

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Behold sisters and righteous brothers the tacky sandals I bought from Old Navy for $3.99. Even that was too much I think. Anyway, my cousin is having a "Tropical" wedding reception this Saturday and these babies will grace my tender tootsies. I'm sure the entire experience will be blog-worthy...stay tuned!

-jmart out

Thursday, July 28, 2005

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robert william service once said something along these lines,

Let us have birthdays every day,
(I had the thought while I was shaving)
Because a birthday should be gay,
And full of grace and good behaving.
We can't have cakes and candles bright,
And presents are beyond our giving,
But let lt us cherish with..

and i really could not agree with him any more than...i already do, except all that log cabin stuff was rather absurd, oh well, happy birthday BRENDAN!!!!!!!!!!! good luck on the birthday challenge

Sunday, July 24, 2005

It's been a while but just for the record:

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Best viewed while listenting to any of these little ditties.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Dear hockey players in the south campus,
when wondering if it is a good idea to leave your dirty underwear, jockstraps, shorts, shoes and other gross and smelly things outside the mountain hall, in the lobby and other odd places please consult the results of this tests!, too figure out of you are a triple A slob or just extremely inconsiderate.

the girl that saw to much

boom boom boom boom row you bastards!

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i am tiered of the dog, the dog is ugly, faul, and i don’t feel bad for it, there i said it, and i don’t want to stare at it anymore….for pete’s sake, it is gruesome~!

top five things that pissed me off tonight:

1.sixteen hostel arrivals yet to come as i pranced in here…SIXTEEN, i am not used to this kind of pressure, after Shannon left i was stuck with this ultimate doom, doom, doom feeling, sixteen hostel arrivals, and i started to question the validity of my own existence i think this period in my life might one day be referred to by historians as the ‘stupid fucker period’ the dark ages of my life, the whole, ‘i can’t see you’ ‘where are you, i don’t know, it so dark’ sort of ‘ish’ feelings…so far only one couple has check in, they had a french last name, it gave them that certain je ne sais quoi, a certain savoir faire, a certain détante… acertain... cul-de-sac, a certain... jacques chirac… a certain... pomme de terre….a certain vie de la dordogne… yeah, oh fuck it…. they where nice, i could not hate them

2. also it is sad to report that my almost three year relationship with my computer has ended, due to a nasty case of death. no flowers or condolences are necessary, though i am very sad and forlorn. well wishes for both me and the computer will be appreciated - we both need it.

helloooo. are you the people of gaul? ok i can’t really actually think of five things that piss me off, i guess i am just grumpy, amazingly nobody has been killed yet, and i’ll survive to stand trial…good news is, it will not affect any of you!

long live the flip flop, the best footwear ever made!

e-love liz

Friday, July 22, 2005

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

RIP Scotty...

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jmart here...It's a sad sad day sisters and brothers. James Doohan aka Scotty from the original 'Star Trek' series has been beamed up. I had no idea he was a D-Day vet either. So do a shot for Scotty.


just a moment ago i was sitting at the desk minding my own business, printing off a list of check-outs for the housekeepers when who appears but a guy wearing a bullet proof vest come from the police tactical unit. he says "just to let you know we're going to be rappeling off that building today" (points to glengarry). he told me to let him know if i wanted to try it.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Hillside Festival!!! will all be happy to hear that my friend Eric just won two weekend passes from the campus radio station and gave them to me because he is already going to the festival!!! so now you won't have to hear anymore of my whining about people trying to sell me tickets for $175 each :) :) :) YAY!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Food Network Rocks...

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So on my last day of vacation, I was chillin on the couch surfin the boob tube. I almost didn't believe the guide when it had a listing for a Spam Cook-off. Instantly I was filled with memories of a SHS potluck many moons ago, where the notorious Tim F. made a pretty frickin freaky looking dish with SPAM, amongst other goodies.

So, apparently Spamarama is a big deal in Austin, TX. I think some of the highlights included deep fried battered spam on a stick, some gourmet spam dishes served with champagne and spam jerky. However, if you check out the link, you'll see that SPAM is not only a delightful "food," but can also be used as a piece of sports equipment. It's true! There is a Spamalympics.


jmart out.

Who's In?

Hey Guys,

This morning before Liz left we decided on a date, July 21st we're going horse back riding in the morning.

Everyone is welcome to come.
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last night my new buddy, bgor (…it’s actually igor, but i substituted the fist letter in his name with a ‘B” to conceal his identity… know what i mean?) ….well anyway Bgore taught me cantonese, the whole freaking language including the use of semi-colons……so yeah, ………… na nana na nana

love liz

Friday, July 15, 2005

I would like you to meet Mr. Something!
Guys, does this not remind you of someone we know... a desk worker maybe??

For you Brendan


Thursday, July 14, 2005

top five questions asked at some point during this amazing night:

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  • almost everyone: ‘what can YOU do about the heat?’
  • confused delegate, wearing only his towel at 3.30 am: ‘which way is north here in guelph?’ (after that he left…, and i am sure somewhere in lambton a super interesting debate ended shortly after)
  • my new favorite wrestler: ‘do you know where the guys in 423 lennox are ?’ (secretly i hope he wins a prize)
  • jetlagged and wide awake at 4.30: ‘what is the animal that i saw earlier tonight that lives in a cave in the ground, it’s about this big *shows with hands*?’
  • red car driver at 2.30: ‘hey you, are you always here?’

    and the number one question that has frustrated me since yesterday……why does dave navarro’s blog get more hits that ours? * melissa said it’s because he is more famous than us, but the more i think about it, that just WRONG………….
  • Wednesday, July 13, 2005

    final fantasy

    + =
    join dice, brendan, danielle, and a host of others affiliated with shs (or not) as we embark on a musical journey with owen pallett as our guide thursday night at the ebar. he's great live and his disc is hot too. don't take my word for it; listen/read here, here, here and many other opinionated places on the interweb. do i have to mention the arcade fire connection?

    Tuesday, July 12, 2005

    Coming Soon...

    Is it wrong that if they made this movie I'd actually see it? Probably not in the theater, but I'd see it.

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    me too, me too

    i guess there is really no doubt in anyone’s mind what movie i am renting when rogers opens promptly at 10am is there.

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    in a related story i herby confess to having sex with beckham. i believe it happened in madrid? at a hotel or something…..

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    so YEAH- where is my million?

    love liz

    Sunday, July 10, 2005


    im slow.
    so shannon, dianna, and jess, i JUST added you to my msn list now.

    and liz! i JUST figured out that was YOU on msn! HAHAHA! so now i know who you are!

    like i said. im slow. what are you gonna do about it.

    who wants to write my thesis?!


    Saturday, July 09, 2005

    Ask David...

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    Hasselhoff that is! Have a problem you need solved? Feeling confused? Lost?
  • Ask David and let him show you the way.
  • This post is dedicated to another rockin Dave...Dave E. Thanks for introducing me to the wonder that is Hasselhoff's music video!


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    my declaration of guilt

    i enjoyed teen vogue so much last night, that i at one point seriously considered subscribing to it

    first the sewers then the world

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    Dear Mr. Man, who is still sitting in the FPL,

    no, we don’t have a remote for the tv. yes, i realize that this is very inconvenient for you. no i don’t care if BC beat ottawa, but i am sure that it’s as terrific as you say it is. yes, that is coffee i ‘m drinking, and no i have never considered adding tequila to it. i’m 24, 5, and i am sure that if i dressed different i would look older too. no, i have never thought that it was scary to be here at night,until you just said so. oh i am sure that it has been ages since you where this drunk, i’m pleased that the bar scene in guelph is 'waaaay better' than you thought it would be. AND finally yes, the tree image on the bearing is extraordinarily ‘nifty’, and no i have no clue who did it.

    have a great nigh and pleeeeaaaase come back soon to grace us with your dazzling wit and astonishing insights.


    Friday, July 08, 2005

    maybe if they weren't all such sheep, this wouldn't have turned out to be so tragic.

    ISTANBUL, Turkey — First one sheep jumped to its death. Then stunned Turkish shepherds, who had left the herd to graze while they had breakfast, watched as nearly 1,500 others followed, each leaping off the same cliff, Turkish media reported today.

    In the end, 450 dead animals lay on top of one another in a white pile, the Aksam newspaper said. Those who jumped later were saved as the pile got higher, cushioning the fall, the daily newspaper Aksam reported.

    "There's nothing we can do. They're all wasted," Nevzat Bayhan, a member of one of 26 families whose sheep were grazing together in the herd, was quoted as saying by Aksam.

    The estimated loss to families in the town of Gevas, located in Van province in eastern Turkey, is close to 100,000 Turkish lira, which is equal to roughly $91,000 Cdn. This is a significant amount of money in a country where average GDP per person is around $2,700 US.

    "Every family had an average of 20 sheep," Aksam quoted another villager, Abdullah Hazar as saying. "But now only a few families have sheep left. It's going to be hard for us."

    it seems that

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    You know it's true...

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    If you still think Tom Cruise is sane after his spaztastic appearance on Oprah and all the scientology wierdness, check out the newest link. He's NUTS and here is the proof. I kid Tom, don't sue the sisterhood!

    Thursday, July 07, 2005

    so i was thinking....

    why is there no Lam-Lam Brotherhood? i am in full and complete support of there being a sisterhood (power to the sistas!), but why are we men excluded in the naming of this unique society? i feel privileged that we are included as fellow sisters, but i feel that maybe the penises should be a part of the name of this wonderful organization. mayhaps it should be referred to as the Lam-Lam Peoplehood? Lam-Lam Personshood? Lam-Lam Hood of Wonderfulness?

    just a thought...

    Wednesday, July 06, 2005

    Liz hi


    Monday, July 04, 2005

    this just in:

    Sunday, July 03, 2005

    untitledB\"a\"nkrhinestone mLAAAsign mdsc05245iS, with some guy in the background.TSmartie lid \"e\"RHood pendantoHi Tech House- nostalgia for IanD

    Saturday, July 02, 2005

    i'm looking deep into you.. DEEP.. Ah, Sir is complex. Ahem.

    I'm the 614,592,497 richest person on earth!

    Discover how rich you are! >>

    and tomorrow liz is taking over the WORLD
    *narf! zort! poit! gat!*

    Friday, July 01, 2005

    password protected? 20 billion possible chances....Eh....jeff. Hey!

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    so right before i started wondering if birds have flying dreams, i figure that they probably don’t, that would be to boring for birds, birds must have driving dreams….....hey, you're speeding Mr. Feathers!

    yeah so right before that, i thought, well since this is canada day and all, i would congratulate you all on such a splendid event! i am dreadfully excited about the fireworks and what ever else that goes with this day, will there be hot dogs?

    i don’t know if i am supposed to celebrate it though…is it considered to be exclusively for canadians? i am so jealous, and then i started thinking, though i have only been here for a short while, i have to say….i am very positive to canada, i like canada, how is that? BUT the government of Canada tells me that i need 10 more points on their scale of canadianism to become canadian, or to even like canada, 10 more points….because getting those points will require me to have a child, earn more money and pass a french test, all of witch are very unlikely to happen in time for the canada festivities tonight, however i think i deserve to celebrate and i am therefore adding my OWN points: …………first of all, i have drawers and jars and cupboards even full of canadian tire money…(1 point)....oh and i never use it (bonus point) …...i know what may 2-4 is (well almost) (1 point), i get excited whenever canada is mentioned on an american tv show (2 points), i have met a lumberjack (2), i am familiar with ‘the touque’ (1), i think americans are strange too (2), i randomly use ‘eh’ in sentences (4)…ok so might never have seen a dog sled, but whatever (4 minus points)

    get out your flags people, celebrate, embrace canada!
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    How to make a Lam Lam Sisterhood
    5 parts anger
    1 part silliness
    3 parts energy
    Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add wisdom to taste! Do not overindulge!


    Personality cocktail